My Kid Is A Total Asshole...

8:13 PM

Come on, we've all thought it. Hell if you haven't you are either lying to yourself or you haven't been a parent long enough. I would say on average I think it at least once a day about one of my little darlings; "My kid is a total asshole!"
Exhibit A:

And believe me when I say the pictures do not do this mess she made justice! Lil B has spent a majority of the last couple of days "playing" (her way of playing as she doesn't play in your typical fashion) with all her new things, so the fact that she was in her room for so long while we were all watching a movie wasn't surprising. We heard an odd noise but quickly realized it was her necklaces and bracelets that she plays with. So we thought...
The movie had a few minutes left so I watched then went in to check on her and put her clothes up, that's when I saw it. A freaking pre-k arts and crafts explosion nightmare. Rice and elbow macaroni were all over her room. The macaroni blended in with her carpet like a damn duck hunter in camouflage.
As I was cleaning it up, doing a good deal of bitching and complaining along the way, B2 decides it was a good time to come in the room and ask me where in the world his extra batteries to his remote control car went. Really kid? REALLY?!?! Just walk away!!!
I seriously don't even know that I got it all cleaned up, every time I thought I was done I would stumble across another huge pile of macaroni. Did I mention I had just bought both the macaroni and the rice? Yep, that was the cherry on top.
So yeah, my kid is an asshole. All of them are at some point and quite honestly if you think your kid is never an asshole, well then I've got news for you... you're more than likely an asshole and I'm willing to bet you're kid is quite the asshole.
In all honestly, everyone in the world is an asshole at some time or another, no one is just super nice and perfect all the time. Just because you may think your kid is being an asshole, doesn't make you a bad parent or anything of the sort, I happen to think it makes you a very aware and down to Earth parent. You can love your kid with all your heart and know that they aren't perfect. That's life. Real life anyways. It's just the facts of life...
You take the good, you take the bad, 
you take them both and there you have
The Facts of Life, the Facts of Life.
There's a time you got to go and show
You're growin' now you know about
The Facts of Life, the Facts of Life.♫
My bad... I side track easily... if only you could hear all the random songs that go through my head all day long whenever a moment reminds me of certain lyrics. It's insane! Lol. 
Until next time folks! ✌

{Not sure if I am suppose to say this or not BUT: I do not own nor do I have any rights to the above song or any other songs that randomly pop in my head and blurt out of my mouth/typing fingers!}

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  1. You do this too?🤔
    My bestie and I break out in songs that go with our convos too. Okay, I honestly do this all the time, well only with ppl I'm close to lol
    Good to know it's not just us 😂
