Down With The Sickness

3:16 PM

It's been a while since I've wrote. I've been extremely busy, you know, the normal everyday mom stuff, plus I started back to school (gonna finally finish that degree I've started and stopped a couple of times, third times the charm, and then continue on to my masters, with any luck). So throw that into the mix and writing has reduced to random thoughts that filter through my head and get labeled as, "that would make a good blog" but are soon forgotten as one of the kids screams "MOM" while the dog pisses in the floor and something on the stove starts to burn.
Anyone who went through a little emo phase in school, I'm sure remembers the song "Down the The Sickness" by Disturbed. That one line has been playing on repeat in my head since last night:

🎶Get up, come on get down with the sickness...🎶
Nothing out of the ordinary really, I pretty much score my life like a movie, in my head, at all times. There's always a song playing in there. What brings this song on? Well that would be a vomiting, fever running four year old. 
That's right folks, Lil B is sick. My poor baby girl has the flu. It freaking sucks! It's hell when any of your kids are sick, it breaks your heart that they are hurting, it scares you to death the other kids will get it or that you will get it. Let's face it, if momma goes down, all hell is going to break loose, it will be a remake of Jumanji in here and no not the new one with Kevin Hart's cute lil funny self running around. 
Lil B has been a bear for a week or so but with good ol Oklahoma being 70 degrees one day then having an ice storm the next, I assumed her sinuses were causing increased pressure with her chiari malformation and she just felt like crap. It clicked like a puzzle piece Thursday that her ears may be hurting, we haven't had much trouble since her tubes a couple of years ago so I don't think about that much. I took her in and she had an ear infection. Amoxicillan three times a day for two days. Fabulous. Finished that up Friday night and by Saturday she was happy and running around like usual.
We go shopping Saturday, first to the mall where she got to go to her absolute favorite place, the Dillard's shoe department. She quickly nabbed up shoes she wanted to try on and strutted her stuff in front of the mirrors. Two pair of Converse and a pair of Uggs later and we ran to Sams to grab some diapers. I let her get an Icee as we were leaving as a special treat as I could tell she had reached her limit and she had been such a good girl the whole day. She dosed on and off on the 45 minute drive home. When we got home she went to her room and was chilling in the dark watching her shows. (she enjoys the dark, not sure if it's from her migraines or a sensory thing) I went in to change her and she looked at me all crazy like she does when she's done something she knows she's not suppose to. I quickly flipped on the light, I'm getting old and can't see shit in the dark. I expected to see that she had been in the pantry and food was scattered around her room or something to that affect but nothing...
She still kept looking at me with almost a sad or embarrassed look on her face though. I said, "Let's change your diaper baby." She got up from her bean bag chair and came over to her bed where I was standing. When I picked her up to put her on her bed that's when I seen it. She had thrown up in her bed. Bless her little heart, she thought she had done something wrong. She had no clue what it was and certainly didn't know to come and get me. It was on her clothes as well so I stripped her clothes and her sheets. She was running around in her diaper and I guess decided she would feel better if she wore her new shoes as she came with both pairs of Converse in her hands. So she ran around diaper and Converse, then it happened. As she sat in the ONLY chair in the house that isn't leather and easily cleaned, she puked again, all over the chair and her new shoes. I grabbed her up and ran her to the bathroom.
I'll tell you what, for not understanding what's happening and being nonverbal and so forth and so on, the girl understands to puke in the toilet once you get her there. B2 is 8 and I STILL can't get him to understand that concept. That child will still run through the house to find me to tell me he has to throw up, running past three bathrooms and numerous trash cans in the process, then end up puking all over the place before making it back to one of the bathrooms. Even if you sit a trashcan right beside him, he will throw up all around it, the trash can will be clean as a whistle. 
I'm gonna be real honest, as I always am, yes I hate it when my kids are sick because of all the reasons I mentioned above, but I also hate it for myself. I have a super weak stomach! Yes it's gotten stronger since I've had these gross little mutants but it's still weak. Cleaning up throw up is not my strong suit. It consists of me trying not to breath and gagging for a minute or two as I clean, running from the room to take deep breaths and continuing to gag, sometimes possibly vomiting myself, then going back in until the room is clean and disinfected to my OCD standards. I've had my handy dandy shampooer out since she first puked last night and it will stay a nice decorative piece in the front room until this sickness is gone. 
My washing machine has also been getting it's work out. As I said she threw up in her bed last night, so I had to wash her sheets and her comforter. Well at some point during the night last night she threw up and then went back to sleep so I had to wash her bedding again today. Yeah, talk about feeling like mom of the year. I know I had no way of knowing but damn... 
She actually slept until 11:00am today. That is unheard of! I woke up about 8 and went into instant panic, it was light outside, I haven't slept that long since God knows when, WTF was happening, why was my kid so quiet. I was scared. Every irrational thought possible ran through my head because ASD kids don't sleep in, they just don't... EVER! Well turns out that apparently they do if they have the flu. I ran in her room and to make sure 1. she was there and 2. she was breathing. She has a baby gate on her door to prevent her from wandering if she were to wake up in the night and decide not to holler for me, but you never know, she is a ninja, she could have escaped. But she was there and breathing and she had a fever, along with the dry throw up in her bed. I could removed the bedding where the puke was without disturbing her and she continued to sleep until 11. When she woke up she was so shaky. It broke my heart and the look of confusion on her face just shattered it even more.
I went and got her some Lil B sized Sprite so she was pretty happy about that since she usually gets told to back away from people's pop cans. 
We made a trip to urgent med and she put two words together on her own which is HUGE for her. I was so excited. The words were "bad doctor" but hey, whatever, lol. Still freaking fantastic in my book! Not so fantastic when she bit me when they had me put a dissolvable Zofran in her mouth. The girl latched on and wouldn't let go. She was screaming, I was screaming, the nurse ran from the room and never came back... Good times...
Now my beautiful Princess sleeps again as a cloud of Lysol hovers the house and I sit here chewing gummy Airborne things and in my head singing over and over: 
🎶Get up, come on get down with the sickness...🎶

Disclaimer: As I've said before, I have no idea if I am suppose to say it but just in case.... I have no rights what so ever to any of the songs that blurt out of my mouth or type from my fingers...

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