Apparently Pay Back Is A Bitch

12:48 PM

Little Miss Thang has had bows put in her hair since she was born. Nowadays I do less bows and more style but we still do bows quite a bit. With her ever developing attitude, most days ripping her bows out of her hair is my "punishment" when I tick her off!  As I sat here this afternoon, posting some items to Poshmark, she started bringing me her bows one by one and wanting them in my hair. She was very meticulous about where on my head each bow went. With Autism can come some OCD type behaviors, with Lil B they are hit or miss with what she is going to be so anal about, but lucky me this got to be one of them that everything had to be just right. <Sigh> Oh well... if she's not wrecking the house or being a complete asshole, most the time I just go with it, most things just aren't worth the fight, and not a whole lot gives her a genuine smile. Unfortunately she is refusing to let me remove these from my head!! Let's hope I remember to take them out before B2's doctor appointment this afternoon. I've accidentally ran to the store before with one of her bows in my hair, I can only imagine the looks this would get!
 Regardless of the weird bow crown on my head, her not looking at the camera, or the fact that she has her pant legs pulled all the way up to her booty, this picture is perfect, because of that smile! That true Lil B smile is a heart melter!! Maybe with her beautiful work she's done here I can find a man.... HA!!! Totally kidding!
Now if you all will excuse me, writing while she is awake was a terrible idea because she just ran past me, heading to her room with pancake syrup. Thought I could get this knocked out while she was running around the front room stimming but guess not. Duty calls!

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  1. She is so happy with her end results or she's thinking "OMG look at her". Either way that pretty smile is priceless.
