That's Just Who I Am

8:16 PM

Who am I and what am I doing here? Honestly, hell if I know...

My name is Kira Morris. I am a mom. I am a special needs mom. I am a homemaker (is that the politically correct way to say it nowadays??) . Now wait, before you go closing this thinking it's another one of "those" same ol same ol blogs, it's not! Well maybe it is, I don't know.
To be honest I'm not even sure what "kind" of blog this is. It's my thoughts, it's my day, it's my outlet.
Blogging has crossed my mind many of times over the last year or two. I've always pushed the thought away, it's been years since I've wrote and who wants to hear what I have to say anyways? Maybe someone does though. Maybe there's someone who needs to see that the same crazy bullshit happens in other people's lives too. The same "WTF why is this my life" moments are shared by many and that you're not alone. One day you may be able to read a blog here of the struggle I had that day of my 8 year old with the smart mouth blurting something out that shouldn't have been said. The next, my angry post of Lord only knows what, letting out my frustrations to keep me from ripping someone's face off. Hell, you may even get a good ol ding bat blond moment post, I do have those moments a lot. Oh and in case you haven't notice by the title of my website and the couple of times I've done it already, I do cuss a little. Okay, sometimes a lot. I'm generally a good person though, lol. My writing style does change depending on my mood and topic, I swear it's only me writing even though one day's post may be completely different format than the previous. So if you are still with me through all these ramblings, let me tell you just a bit about myself.

Like I said earlier, I am a mom. A mom that probably should have actually done her hair and makeup and taken a great picture for this blog, BUT yeah that doesn't happen often and this pic happened to be in my phone. So there ya go, no makeup. Lovely. Anywho... I have three amazing kids. All of their names start with B and for the sake of keeping some privacy they will be referred to as B1, B2, and Lil B. My world is a bit different. My mom, my husband, and I all bought a house together; doing this gave me some more assistance with the kids as it can be difficult taking Lil B everywhere I need to be taking the older two(more about that later). My husband and I are currently separated however so he no longer lives here with us. I honestly couldn't tell you much more about me, I'm trying to relearn myself as we speak. Now to introduce you to my beautiful little demons ;)
This is B1. He is my chef (ignore is mismatched clothes in the pic, I said put on play clothes before you cook and he assumes that means matching rules go out the window). He will be 13 next month and I was not aware that teenage attitude came with boys as well, I thought that was a teenage girl thing. Who knew?! He is a laid back kid who is very caring and will give you the shirt off his back if you need it. He wants to be Gordon Ramsey when he grows up and I intend to do everything I can to get him there, he loves sports, and more and more he enjoys driving me bat-shit-crazy. Right before school started this year, he decided he wanted to go live with his dad. I hate it and I wish everyday that he was still here full time, but part of me understands. 
Say hello to B2. My Taz Manian Devil. In this pic he had fixed his own hair before I made it in there to get his hair fixed for school. He thought it looked awesome. That was fabulous and all but no way in hell did I let him go to school with his hair like that! He's a sweetheart. I've always called him my sour patch kid. He can be the sweetest person ever and the next second is insulting you without even realizing he is doing it. I swear to you, in his eight short years, I could have done published 3 "The Shit My Kid Says" books. You never know what will come out of this child's mouth! He's all boy, weapons, super heroes, boogers, etc are his world and he loves his world. Smh. Oh can this lil boy make you smile though!
This is Lil B. I chose this picture because of the attitude all over her face. She is so full of it! I'd be lying if I said my four year old didn't scare me sometimes. The teenage years should be a great time. The potential correlation between her attitude and her nickname for this blog being Lil B is suddenly clicking and I promise it was not intentional LOL! A family member refers to her as Lil B in texts for short since all my kid's names start with B and I thought it was cute. Lil B is an absolutely gorgeous little girl, she is so very funny, and if you give her the chance she will put a smile on your face. Lil B is a diva, yet is down for playing in the dirt and ruining her diva clothes; she is so sweet and loving, yet she will slap the crap out of you if need be (if that eyebrow raises in your direction, you better move it on back!). As I said earlier, I would explain more as to why my mom living with me is a big help with her, Lil B has autism and chiari malformation. We do several therapies a week, we see several specialist each year, and we handle our days, the good and the bad, and sometimes along the way we have to put people in check as some don't care to try to accept, understand, whatever word you want to use... people can be assholes basically! It's a bit hard for me to bite my tongue some days but I'm working on it. We have many times of her sleep schedule being off and she likes to party all night several nights in a row (this momma still has to function the next day). I thought this video was a cute way of showing how alot of our late nights end up going. 

So that was a little or a lot about us. I promise they will get better. 

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  1. Love it, can't Wait to hear more!

  2. Love it, can't Wait to hear more!

  3. You had me in tears and laughing all at the same time! This special needs mom wants to hear what you've gotta say so please, keep it up if you can 🙌 It's like you can read my brain 😂

    1. Thanks! I don't get to write near as much as I want but I try to as much as I can. Please subscribe or follow me on fb or Instagram to get notified when new posts are up! Thanks for reading! :)
