We've all seen the funny memes "You may be an autism mom if..." all of which probably wrote by an autism mom to shed some light hearted humor on their situation. You have to laugh to keep from crying most days. While cooking Thanksgiving dinner yesterday, I had to laugh at the fact that in that moment I was a real life meme.
Most Autism parents can tell you, your kids can have some strange eating habits. My daughter only has a handful of things that she eats, none of which are exactly healthy. Scrambled eggs is the healthiest thing she will eat, however she has a slight allergy to cow's milk and eggs, so her ENT told me she can only have them once every couple of weeks.
My Real Life Meme |
She prefers to eat the foods that she does eat by digging them up with her fingernails and eating it out from under her nails. Totally disgusting, I know!! She doesn't eat meat, don't even think about showing her a vegetable. She goes through phases with grapes, applesauce, and bananas; she either devours them nonstop or she won't touch them and looks at you like you must be high as a kite for putting them on her plate. Ramen noodles, mac n cheese, grilled cheese, and pizza are her staples. Nothing makes you feel like mom of the year more than going grocery shopping and basically bear hugging the boxes of mac n cheese and throwing the toppling boxes into a nice pyramid in your cart. It's always good to top it off with a thing or two of ice cream, that gets you the real you deserve a medal look from those outstanding top notch parents who are also shopping in the same store as you.
Since she is allergic to cow's milk, and her diet of carbs doesn't exact provide her with alot of nutrients, her "milk" that she drinks, is chocolate Pediasure. It gets costly but at least she gets what she needs. She will also drink chocolate almond milk in addition to that and the remainder of the time she drinks Orange Strawberry Banana crystal light. She loves juice but it does not react well with her body so we don't have juice very often. The child will of course eat any kind of junk food, especially if it is chocolate.
I have to remind myself that just because I am tired of cooking her the same things over and over does not mean she is tired of eating them. She does not care about the repetitiveness, in fact she loves it. She would eat the exact same thing, three times a day, every day. she wouldn't care, so I guess I should be glad she has a smidgen of variety she will eat.
Maybe next Thanksgiving I should save the time and headache and just make everyone a grilled cheese...